Well, I did it - I did Level 1 of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred last night and I'm still alive today to tell the tale! When I watched the introduction I thought to myself "This doesn't look
that hard", but oh my goodness can appearances be deceiving!
The Workout DVD consists of three levels, each level contains a 20 minute workout and the idea is that you do Level 1 for 10 days, Level 2 for 10 days and so on. I thought that my fitness level wasn't that bad - after all I've been walking regularly (in the region of 6-9 miles per week) and my weight has gradually been coming down. But, nothing could have prepared me for the intensity of this workout, and the bad news is that I'm only on Level One, and with 29 more days to go!
Jillian says that the routine works because in most instances you are working more than one muscle group at a time (therefore burning more calories per exercise) and by combining strength, cardio and ab exercises your body burns more fat. The Level One workout starts with some push-ups. In one of the internet reviews I read, someone said they couldn't do one push-up - and that was the 'easy' kind where you're on your knees. Secretly, I did think to myself "Who on earth can't do one easy push-up?! Surely everyone can do one"! This judgement coming from someone who hasn't done a push-up in living memory, well, I got my comeuppance last night! Although I could manage more than one easy push-up, I did find it incredibly hard and this really, really surprised me! Funny, but I always think that the strongest part of my body would be my arms, but after last night I'm starting to think it's actually my legs (which would explain why they are the size of tree trunks!).
From the push-ups, we moved on to jumping jacks - always a worrisome exercise for any women who has had children! Thankfully, I managed the jumping jacks with no mishaps! After only about 5 minutes into the workout I was sweating like a pig, out of breath, felt at various stages I was either going to faint or throw up - but I stuck it out til the very end. I stopped for a few seconds near the end when I literally could not do another jumping jack - got my breath and then completed the exercise. I'm pleased, after all I read about the DVD, that I was able to complete the whole level, but it was certainly an eye-opener as to my level of fitness and reminds me that, despite feeling much more confident, I do have a long way to go!
A little funny story from today... I am the ultimate internet shopper - I think generally you can get a much better deal on the net than you can in stores, at least that's the case here in England. I searched our general everything shop, Argos, for some hand weights that I needed for the 30 Day Shred (I used two cans of custard last night - much to the amusement of my kids!). Finding 2 x 2kg weights on Argos for £11.99, I decided to look at an outlet shop called Sports Direct for something similar. I thought I stumbled onto a bargain when I saw virtually the same weights for £3.50 - great, I'll order those please! Well, my package arrived today, with some bits that I need for the Race for Life and I realised that the weights were £3.50 EACH! One weight isn't much good for working out both arms... oh well! Thankfully we have a Sports Direct shop here in our town, so I shall try there tomorrow to see if I can find a mate for my one lonely weight!
So, dinner tonight is a new favourite healthy meal of mine! Grilled Garlic Chicken, with new potatoes and asparagus. It's a Martha Stewart recipe (I love Martha!) and it's super-healthy. New potatoes are SO good for you, they've got loads of vitamins and are the best spud (with the exception of sweet potatoes) to eat on the GI/GL Diets - so naturally when I stumbled across this recipe, I thought I'd give it a go. The chicken is actually thin chicken cutlets - so they cook very quick and absorb lots of flavour. Asparagus is in season at the moment, so this is an added bonus!
Here's a link to the recipe on Martha Stewart's website:
Garlic Marinated Chicken with Grilled Potatoes and Asparagus
My Fitness Pal calculates there is 204 calories per serving for the Chicken, 113 calories for a 150gram serving of new potatoes and about 25 calories for the Asparagus. There is a vinaigrette dressing which I drizzle very lightly over the Asparagus and I added 41 calories for this. All total, it's a very nutritious, filling meal and under 400 calories! One little note - the recipe above calls for some butter - I've omitted this entirely and honestly, you don't miss it! Use a brush for the olive oil and you'll use a lot less. I also parboiled the potatoes in some salted water for about 15 minutes, because I had quite large new potatoes and this also ensures that when you pop them under the grill, they go all crispy - yum! Enjoy!